Baby Lucy devil or angel - Wolfoo fanmade coloring story
Angel Vs Devil is the latest animated project from Disney animation studio. The movie revolves around an ordinary boy named Gabriel who lives a sheltered life in the town of hell. Everything seems fine for the boy until one day, he witness his parents murdered by a masked intruder, his only friend, the beautiful young girl, Eve, who is also taken hostage. When Gabriel arrives, he quickly finds himself in the middle of an intense conflict that will determine whether or not his perfect world will ever come to fruition or if he will forever lose his sense of self and fall to the wrong side. You can expect an up-and-coming star in this movie like Noah Ranks andvoice-overs from Will Smith and Anne Hathaway.
The story is very well thought out and the animation is very entertaining. Both parents in this movie are completely different from one another but they manage to work together to create a very loving and kind relationship between them. Angel and Devil are equally fun to watch. Both have great protective angel that is always there, taking care of and doing good things every day, but there's also a dark and mysterious evil devil that always tries to be even more evil, much like he usually is.
The movie has some great music moments too. It includes the score that makes the movie even more thrilling and memorable too. I think most people would have enjoyed watching this movie at the very least once. There's a lot of buildup towards the end where you get so caught up in what's happening that you may even forget about the actual ending. I recommend watching this with a loved one because it may even make them cry.
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